martes, 22 de abril de 2014

2.5 Famous People in Mexican History

The history of Mexico is full of characters, from the legendarily inept Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna to the tragic Frida Kahlo. Here are but a few of the more interesting men and women who have left their mark on the great nation of Mexico.

Benito Juarez

Benito Juarez (1806-1872) was a truly remarkable individual. A full-blooded Mexican Indian who was born into grinding poverty, he didn't even speak Spanish as his first language. He took full advantage of the opportunities he had, and went to seminary school before going into politics. By 1858 he had declared himself President as leader of the ultimately victorious liberal faction during the Reform War of 1858-1861. He was removed as President by the French, who invaded in 1861. The French installed a European nobleman, Maximilian of Austria, as Emperor of Mexico in 1864. Juarez fought against Maximilian and eventually drove out the French in 1867. He ruled for five more years until his death in 1872. Juarez is remembered for many reforms, including curtailing church influence and modernizing Mexican society.

Porfirio Diaz

Porfirio Diaz (1830-1915) became a war hero during the French invasion of 1861, helping to defeat the invaders at the famous Battle of Pueblaon May 5, 1862. He entered politics and followed the rising star of Benito Juarez, although the two men did not get along well personally. In 1876 he grew tired of trying to reach the Presidential palace democratically: he entered Mexico City with an army and not surprisingly won the "election" he set up himself. Diaz would rule unchallenged forthe next 35 years. During his rule, Mexico modernized and joined the international community, building railroads and infrastructure and developing industries and commerce. All of Mexico's wealth, however, was concentrated in the hands of a few, and life for ordinary Mexicans was never worse. As a result, the Mexican Revolution exploded in 1910. Diaz was out by 1911 and died in exile in 1915.

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